Make sure the webinar title is clear, specific and obtainable. The content could be mind-blowing but in order to drive registration, the title must grab attention and drive action. As the main headline for all marketing efforts, the title should be around 10 words and tell the audience why they should register. Avoid marketing lingo and salesy titles and instead follow the suggestions and examples below.
Registrants want clear take-a-ways. Tell them exactly what they will get by including a number.
You are the subject matter expert, right? Help solve a problem by providing instructions that they can use immediately.
Is there a new technology, regulation, or service in the industry? Include the word “new” in the title to create importance and show relevance.
World news and trends are important to pay attention too. Take advantage of these trends and relate them to your industry. Include research for an added attraction.
This goes hand-in-hand with “new” but adding “101” usually means that the session is for beginners and full of valuable information.
Spark interest by posing the title as a question. They must register in order to find out the answer.
Motivate your audience to take action and make a change.
Put together multiple titles and pick the one with the best “grab.” The next step is to prepare the content to meet the goals and objectives the title promises.